Who we are?
We are NOT a bank and we don’t manage physically your money. No transfer from you to us. Neptoon is merely a supporting digital platform with in-build financial structures that support private investors in fast, flexible and smart construction within Pension, Corporate and Household portfolios. Neptoon is a Danish domiciled legal entity, and is the business model succession of Ubanking.dk, that throughout a year constituted a “pilot project” to test membership and platform based professional digital investment solutions. Test results indicated that investors appreciate digital online solutions, but only with a large degree of user-flexibility in designing portfolios and access to a drop-down list of funds for all asset classes. All Neptoon constructions are mathematically and economically developed by senior market and academic people.
Our philosophy
Neptoon shares same general philosophy as other sites and products in the mother entity Neptoon ApS. The general Neptoon philosophy is to make readily and digitally available to investors, smart, cheap, transparent and flexible investment solutions. The specific Neptoon investment philosophy here, is nested in a set of funds-based multi-asset class strategies, that are designed to capture medium and long-term returns with lowest possible variation. Risk.
Our objective
Innovation in financial products and in IT technology, throughout the last decade, warrant a different approach to financial investments. An approach that substantially follows the “optimal investor strategy” already noted 50 years ago by Nobel Prize takers in Finance. Neither IT nor products, however were available until only recently. So, our core objective is to finally deliver this strategy, that makes investments risk-return optimal, cheap and transparent in a simple stepwise interactive process between User and a Robot. In 1 minute you can download a standard or tailored solution even including your favorite ETF’s or mutual funds. A trade ticket. Neptoon makes sure you know your investments, and that banks will not take 50% of your return over years.