Have a look at two of our celebrated features

Select own Funds and view impact

How does a bond fund versus an equity fund impact my return and future wealth? Or active fund versus an ETF?

Building a smart dissavings plan

How can I build a portfolio that allows me to take out maybe EUR 1.000 net tax every month in 20 years from now or from age of 50?

Preview Neptoon's financial engine

Neptoon Portfolio
Equity weight

0 years

30 years

Expected equity return p.a.



Neptoon Value *


Average Investor Value **


* Neptoon portfolio is 100% ETC stocks risk-adjusted to AIV

** AIV portfolio is 50% stocks + 50% Mutual Funds

Neptoon's flow to professional portfolios



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Neptoon delivers digital investment solutions, founded on objectively research-driven premises. We answer most relevant questions here.

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How Neptoon.dk works

Standard solutions

We offer four risk-based and fully diversified global fund solutions at the lowest possible cost.

User-driven solutions

We offer an interactive platform where you can add your personal expectations on asset classes and individual stocks.


We offer a broad range of tools for investment and trading analysis. Primarily addressing fundamental values of financial assets. All tools are available in Microsoft Excel and video format.

Global Fund screening and lowest costs

No transfer of money

Global User-editable solutions with home-bias

Cheapest costs and full diversification

Keep your own custody, mobile and trading solution

Full professional analysis of portfolio

Academic approach using BlackRock, ECB and IMF

Unique User-Portal for Investment Management

Regulated financial instruments (UCITS)

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Neptoon.dk Financial insight – Book in danish

Published in 2018 this investment book written in Danish, offers a comprehensive insight into financial theory and applications. Classical and contemporary research is covered and vastly exemplified with real-world cases. The application part of the book takes the reader into the very front desk of financial markets in equity and multi asset management.

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